Sunday, September 3, 2017


August 18-23, 2017
McCall, Idaho to the Blue Mts. of Central Eastern Oregon

It was a late start in mid August heading out to the northwest on this year’s trip for us. We took three days to arrive at JR’s brother Dennis on his property near McCall, Idaho. His good friend Greg was there with his fifth wheel as well. So between each of the three motor homes nestled side by side the place look like a RV park set in the countryside.

10:15 am PST
On August 21 at 10:20 a.m. we gathered outside donning our protective solar sun glasses, with the fellows sharing a welding helmet, to view the big happening of the Total Solar Eclipse, It was exciting to witness from our vantage point about 95% of the sun being covered by the moon for a few moments. Having placed a camera lense behind the solar glasses, these are some eclipse photos captured.   
10:43 am PST

We shared great meals together, good conversation, helped Dennis with some projects, enjoyed Greg’s pulled pork and homemade baklava, relaxed in Den’s hot tub a bit, and gave praise that retirement has freed us from gearing up for another back to school year.

From Idaho we drove northwest and did a brief stop off the main highway for a short hike along the old historic Oregon Trail in the Blue Mts. Must admit those early pioneer settlers of 1843 trailblazing with oxen drawn covered wagons through high mountain desert, dry grassland plains, sagebrush and chaparral woodlands over unmarked trails in the heat were indeed hardy souls.  

A night layover at Emigrant Gap State Park in the Blue Mts broke up the long stretch crossing Oregon for us before reaching the Washington border. Our modern day covered wagon with air conditioning, microwave, stove top, running water, toilet, shower, refrig and electricity would have baffled the early pioneers as much as their Conestoga wagons probably baffled curious Indian onlookers along the route long ago. It was a hoot seeing the markings John Deer on the wagon axels.

Wagons ho! Onward to Oregon we go ...  Washington's Pacific Coast and North to Alaska