Friday, April 15, 2011

Visiting Our Nation’s Capital City April 4-19, 2011

Washington Monument and Cherry Blossoms at the Tidal Basin

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Nat'l Cemeter
Washington, D.C. is been quite a vibrant and active place during cherry blossom season. Cherry Hill RV Park in Maryland about 30 minutes outside the city has provided us an excellent home base for the two weeks while we’ve been out and about busily doing the tourist scene. The possibility of a government shut down loomed during our first week’s arrival, but fortunately that never materialized. Spending the first few days on a double decker OTS Hop On and Off tour bus to scope out the lay of the land in D.C was worthwhile. We’ve tackled the Metrorail system with our Smartcards and walked what feels like miles on end to visit the national monuments, Smithsonian museums, and other top attractions. Oh boy, have our feet become ever sore. A lovely home cooked dinner at Christa’s cousin Jane’s home enabled us a chance to see other relatives too. Having obtained House of Representative gallery passes from Senator Feinstein’s office provided us the opportunity to observe some of the Congressional debates about the budget crisis live on the House floor. What an exciting thrill it was to see and hear legislative representatives banter in the circus of the political arena.
Arlington National Cemetery honors 250,000 soldiers buried

Gotta love April's cherry blossoms around the Capital
Statuary Hall in the Capital Rotunda

Ford's Theater and the President Lincoln's assassination booth

George Washington's Home at Mt. Vernon
Jefferson Memorial at the Tidal Basin near the Potomac River