We’ve learned that the Older Order Amish do not permit electricity or telephones in their homes. By restricting access to television, radio, and telephones, the Amish are better able to keep the modern world and technologies from intruding into their home. Musical instruments are forbidden by the Old 0lder Amish community. Playing an instrument would be "worldly." It is contrary to the spirit of humility, and would stir up the emotions of those who are involved.
The Amish have long preferred farming as a way of life. They feel their lifestyle and their families can best be maintained in a rural environment. While they do not permit the use of tractors in their fields, these old order Amish groups do use modern farm equipment pulled by teams of horses or mules. The old order groups do not own or operate automobiles, believing that cars would provide easier access to the ways of the world. You will often see their horses and buggies along local roads. Yes, however the Amish do use gas. Bottled gas is used to operate water heaters, modern stoves and refrigerators. Gas-pressured lanterns and lamps are used to light homes, barns and shops.They believe large families are a blessing from God. Amish rules allows marrying only between members of Amish Church.
The Amish do not educate their children past the 8th grade, believing that the basic knowledge offered up to that point is sufficient to prepare one for the Amish lifestyle. Almost no Amish go to high school, much less to college. In many communities, the Amish operate their own schools, which are typically one room schoolhouses with teachers (young unmarried women) from the Amish community. Looks like no chance of Christa obtaining a teaching job here folks. JR could probably lend a hand barn raising if he was inclined.