Thursday, May 3, 2012


Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument located on the Cochiti Pueblo Reservation
 ( between ABQ and Santa Fe) has been an awesome experience to explore. It is a spectacular site with jaw dropping scenery. 
The slot canyon trail was worth hiking. It never becomes so narrow you have to squeeze through any rocks. There were a few step ups, but nothing technical. The canyon is just an incredible place for hiking. There are narrow canyon walls, towering rocks shaped like turrets, and wonderful views. It's a bit out of the way, but worth the drive to get there. The trail up to the top is unique in its terrain and tight squeezes through spaces carved out of the rock by years of erosion. 

Apparently there is only one other place in the world that has geologic formations such as these and it is somewhere in the Middle East. These formations are an incredible sight and the canyon trail that winds through them and proceeds to the top of the Mesa. It is the most interesting and awe-inspiring hike. It's an easy hike until you start the climb up to the Mesa. Then there are some narrow spots with steep drops on both sides.

It was quite a feat for Christa. However having good hiking boots and poles along with a hand or two for support from JR enabled us to achieve one of our most memorable hikes yet. The hike/climb up to the mesa is well worth the effort with the views and sense of accomplishment. You won't need to climb all the way to the top to get these fantastic views. If you could only hike one place on a trip to Santa Fe, we’d say make it here.