Friday, September 16, 2011

Visiting Colonial Williamsburg

This is definitely the place to be to experience America’s oldest and largest interactive history experience. It brings Virginia’s 18th-century capital city to life. We listened to many of the founding fathers debate the issues of the day, stepped into shoppes and taverns where Thomas Jefferson,Patrick Henry, and others conceived the ideals of liberty, independence, and personal freedom,
George Washington rides the Palace Green on Blueskin to inspect the troops

Patriots whisper "Liberty is on the horizon."

Benedict Arnold and his British brigade seize Williamsburg
Jefferson reads the Declaration of Independence
 watched dynamic Revolutionary City events unfold, heard the newly written Declaration of Independence read to the citizens by Jefferson, engaged ourselves in several personal conversations with the likes of Patrick Henry and Jefferson,and marched from the Capitol to the Courthouse as Washington and his troops began theirjourney toward Yorktown and Victory. It was so much fun in Williamsburg that we actually extended our stay for several days.
Raleigh Tavern is a busy place to hear the news of the day

News spreads amongst the Williamsburg capital that many citizens are upset over the closing of Boaston Harbor by the British

Dressmakers never used patterns

Carriages everywhere in the city

Fife and Drum Corps on the march